Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Resonance of silence"- what does this mean? Can silence resonate? Did anybody ever hear silence reverberating? Well it does. And when it happens, the world does take notice!! First it starts with a little murmur, which then slowly snowballs into a huge rumble. Well, it has to be like that. Maybe it is the law of nature, by which the the weak or the voiceless can make it even with the stronger one. Or if you will, call it the resilience of human spirit, the urge of the common man to make his voice heard and to make his mark on this earth against the mighty. When one stranger feels the pain and anguish of another fellow being on the other side of the land, totally unconnected and unrelated to him, that is the first beat of the drum. And as the chain continues, the beatings slowly turn into a huge resonance. The single drop of water which fell as a tear, becomes the sole fuel of an inferno, in which the indifference of the society and the haughtiness of the strong, burns to ashes. It gives a jolt to the sleeping souls and make them come out of their slumber. It reminds people that now is the time to act. They can go back to their incomplete siesta later. Otherwise what would have compelled the whole country to stand up and bring to books the murderers of Jessica Lal, Priyadarshini Mattoo, and more recently, Rizwanur Rehaman. What were their faults? That they dared to defy the preconceived notions of the society and refused to bow to the mighty? Why? Because they did was right and did not sell their souls to the devil?? They, in their lives failed to stir a single righteous soul, but in their deaths, they taught the whole country, what is to stand up to one's own self!!
Or what does it take for the man from Damoh, Madhya Pradesh, to vote for the last two decades? He lost his job, his children, his right to live in this society with pride, to the system. But he is still determined to vote this time also, in the hope that it will change the world around him, maybe a little bit. But did it change for him in the last two decades? Will it change for him in future? Who knows? Or maybe, who CARES!!! At least the society and the system did not care!!!! Will his resilience and grit change the society for good?? Maybe it is too huge a hope for a single man. But then the world is thinly balanced on the ever falling apart threads of hope. It is only human to hope. "Hope"-the energy of the resilient and the excuse of the feeble!! Who said that we can wake a deaf by a shout? But maybe a small silent nudge may do the trick !! So to wake up our sleeping souls, we need, not a hue or cry, but the resonance of silence. Maybe this will bring a change to the society, as it always have from time to time.
So, can you hear the resonance of silence?? CAN YOU..........?????

1 comment:

  1. yes I can feel the resonance of silence,
    i felt it while reading, just too gud loved it
